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Big Nate From the Top

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Hot off the best-seller list, Big Nate is in a class by himself. This spunky 11-year-old holds the school record in detentions, but that doesn't stop him from dreaming big! Big Nate is taking it from the top? The top of the troublemaker's list! Nate Wright is eleven years old, four-and-a-half feet tall, and the all-time record holder for school detentions in school history. He's a self-described genius and sixth-grade Renaissance man. Middle school kids everywhere can relate to Big Nate's daily battle against overzealous teachers, under-cooked cafeteria food, and all-around conventionality. This collection features cartoonist Lincoln Peirce's daily and Sunday strips.

Author: Lincoln Peirce

Illustrator: Lincoln Peirce

Format: Paperback

Ages: 7 - 11 yrs